
Acne is an inflammatory disease of the hair follicles. Although some may consider acne a disorder of the teenage years, it first may appear in the newborn baby. Neonatal acne quickly resolves within several weeks. It may appear again as early as eight years of age coincident with the onset of puberty. A small fraction of adults will develop it in the second, third, and fourth decades of life. Acne consists of whiteheads. blackheads, pustules and cysts.

Important Points

* There is no good evidence linking acne to dietary indiscretion. Teens need not avoid chocolate, nuts, pizza or junk foods unless they notice a direct correlation of an acne breakout to a particular food.

* The season of the year modulates acne. Most patients improve during the summer perhaps because of more exposure to ultraviolet light or less stressful lives.

* Oil based cosmetics can worsen acne. Avoid makeup if possible; however, if absolutely needed, an oil free water base makeup is preferred.

* Stress seems to worsen acne.

* Avoid squeezing pimples and pustules, it can lead to scar formation.


* Wash affected areas 1-2 times/day with a moisturizing soap.

* Benzyl Peroxide 2.5-5% Gel can be obtained over-the-counter and should be rubbed on the affected acne areas every night. This will cause the skin to redden and become dry. This means it is working!

* If the acne worsens or doesn’t improve despite following the above suggestions, we should see your child and decide what other treatment modalities to use.