
Impetigo is a skin infection prevalent among children, especially during the summer. It is characterized by pus filled blisters or weeping, crusted sores. It is caused by strep and staph germs which are abundant in the environment. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the result of poor hygiene. Mosquito bites. scratches, scrapes, and other minor disruptions of the skin serve as entry sites for these germs. Impetigo may occur on any skin surface, but is most common around the nose and mouth, and on the legs.

Antibiotics taken by mouth are often necessary to effectively treat impetigo. However, when impetigo does not involve the nasal passages or mouth and is limited to one or two small crusted sores, we recommend washing away the crust and applying Polysporin or Bacitracin ointment four times daily. Bandages are not necessary. If the impetigo is not improving or is spreading, we suggest contacting our office for an appointment.